
We maintain complete transparency with the readers on our website. The company rankings on our site are independent of any marketing relationships that we may hold with a home warranty company. We may receive compensation for receiving quotes or placing advertisements. However, this does not affect a company's rankings. Companies are ranked solely on the basis of consumer reviews and ratings received from home warranty users.

*The lead information obtained will be sent to the respective companies as selected by the readers. However, the lead will be shared with a similar company if the selected company either doesn't participate in Leads Program or doesn't respond.

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What is Home Warranty Reviews.com?

Home Warranty Reviews.com is the #1 consumer research website for home warranties. You can also get a Free home warranty quote and also resolve home warranty complaints using the Complaint Resolution Program.

A home warranty is a contract that agrees to provide you with discounted repair and replacement services. Let’s assume that you have a host of appliances that you rely on to get about your daily chores. If one of them breaks down unexpectedly, it will cost you a lot to repair/ replace the appliance. Need we mention the inconvenience that such incidents bring forth? We’re sure that you are quite familiar with the inconvenience that follows such incidents. Home warranty contracts cover expenses that are incurred due to repair/ replacement services, for a fixed duration of time.

Remember to try the Home Maintenance Calculator and the Mortgage Calculator Soon. It is a one of a kind calculator that ensures that you know why your buying into a home warranty and also keeps you financially secure.

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