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Home /  Home and Garden / Urban Farming In Your Apartment: How To Start?
last_updated_date Last updated: October 17, 2023

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Urban Farming In Your Apartment: How To Start?

Farming is not an activity which can only be done in a vast plane area; it can also be confined to your home or apartment. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? It isn’t a mammoth task. After all, it is feasible and easy! For starters, here are some tips on where to start from, to have a fun-filled family activity like Urban Farming in your Apartment and get health benefits too!

How to Start a Garden in an Apartment?

Finding A Perfect Location

Urban Farming In Your Homes

A balcony or a patio would be the first option coming to your mind. It essentially should be your first option because it receives plenty of sunlight and has open spaces. One more benefit is that it will keep the soil away from the inner area of your home. You can beautifully decorate the plants on both sides by keeping a path for walking!

The front or backyard is all you have if you are a resident of a lower level. With a lot of unused space, a collective farming can also be put in. Although it might not be an ideal area to dig in for farming, you can line up containers and start growing them.

A fire escape can be a new way of urban farming. After leaving a little space for the footpath, place your containers on the landing. Even though it has limited space, it can be useful to grow something for yourself.

The handrails! Yes, you heard it right. With the same method you used for the fire escape, handrails can also be used to grow one or more produces for yourself.

Walls, for instance, provide a lot of space for vertical gardening that needs to be clamped to the wall. Thus, they should be followed up with asking for permission from your landlord.

Windowsill boxes are better than the walls as they do not need to be secured. You can just lay some containers with no other extra attachments.

Methods Of Urban Farming In Your Apartment

  • Vertical Farming Apartment: The best way to utilize the available space in an apartment for apartment farming is to go for the practice of vertical farming. It is also called the Green Wall wherein, it helps to reduce the overall temperature of the building. Green walls are also used as a piece of art. It can be installed in the balcony, the outside walls of the building or inner areas of an apartment such as the living spaces.
  • Pot Gardening: A method used extensively across the urban farming sector is Pot gardening. It ranges from small teacups to automatic irrigation system. Containers are easily movable and can be customized to any sort of balcony. The things to keep in mind while going for a container gardening is to make sure the drainage is loose and provides proper aeration to the roots.
  • Square Footing Garden: These type of Urban farming is ideal for a terrace or balcony. If one wishes to grow a variety of crops in a limited space, Square Footing garden is the best option. It only takes an initial effort to construct a raised bed with soil fills. Soon after, it is sure to yield a wide variety of organic produce. Let alone a Square Foot Garden, a raised bed has its own benefits. It prevents the unwanted weed/grass growth around the square foot.

Sun Conditions

An essential need for all plants to grow is sufficient sunlight, without which plants wither away. Typically, a plant needs minimum 6 hours of sunlight a day for its full growth. But in an Urban Farming setup in an apartment, what we primarily lack is sunlight. Due to various problems with other apartment or roofs barricading the sun rays, it is quite a task to find spaces where it is possible to grow a crop.

It is advisory to assess the amount of sunlight received in your apartment for some days. Either by making a note of it or by clicking pictures of spaces you are planning to grow crops every one hour, it is necessary to understand the pattern of sunlight received.

After the above task is done, the next step is to evaluate which space will be suitable for your Urban Farming. This should be decided according to the maximum amount of sunlight received.

What Crop To Grow

A lot of other questions have to be answered before you decide what to grow in your Apartment.

Prefer to a grow a crop you and your family like to consume. It is a total unworthy effort if you plan to grow a crop you don’t like consuming. By raising a crop you like, it doubles your satisfaction that you have a farm all by yourself and can consume it with all your heart.

Decide on the purpose for which you are setting up the farm. If your motive is commercial, it is better to choose a crop that yields high income when you sell. It needs a study of the market value of various crops that can be grown in an apartment set-up. After that, decide which will be feasible and meanwhile profitable to you.

The climate conditions are also an essential thing to keep in mind while you are planning to set up an Urban Farm. Certain Herbs, Vegetables, and Flowers grow only at a specific temperature. Thus seasons are another thing to check before you start on with the farm.

Home Warranty For Urban Farmers

Any activity related to farming needs an added focus. Besides watering and adding fertilizers to the crops, there exists a task of maintaining the various machines used for farming.

Be it a lawnmower or a container garden, a frequent inspection is an essential activity for extending their life. However, as the produce keeps growing, it demands multi-tasking.

But here’s the easy way! HomeWarrantyReviews.com provides a hassle-free affair of managing all the repairs and maintenance. By listing out to you Various Home Maintenance Companies, Home Warranty Reviews brings to you many options to choose from. To know more about your spot estimates, A Home Maintenance Calculator can be a relief for any Urban Farmer.

So why wait? All you need is to find a place and plant your favorite crop. Connect with roots. Connect with nature. Feel the magic of urban farming in your apartment!

How do I start my own garden apartment?

How To Start A Simple Garden – Even In An Apartment

  • Start small
  • Focus on a very small number of different plants
  • Choose a place with adequate sunlight
  • Research your plant and buy an appropriate pot
  • Use good soil
  • Get a handful of worms
  • Set a clear watering schedule
  • Weeding

What food can I grow in my apartment?

  • Container planting
  • ‘No dig’ wheelbarrow veggie patch
  • Root vegetables in glass
  • Strawberries
  • Mushrooms

What herbs can I grow in my apartment?

The 7 Easiest Herbs to Grow in an Apartment Garden

  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
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