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Home /  Home Maintenance / 5 Tips to Clean Your House Faster
last_updated_date Last updated: September 26, 2023

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5 Tips to Clean Your House Faster

As a father of small children I’ve spent lots of time fighting in the house cleaning trenches. Many a Saturday and Sunday have been spent reversing the enemy’s advances, the barricades of dirty laundry, the diversions of dirty dishes and the assault on my allergies from dust. Read on to know how to clean your house faster.

I’ve learned a few things, many of which I think make housework easier and faster to tackle. You may have just as many techniques, or maybe you’re a new recruit in the battle against the mess. If the latter best describes you then suit up and grab your broom. We’re going in!

Make a list

Nothing helps with a big day of work around the house like a good list. If you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing you’ll probably forget things and maybe even waste time on tasks that should be left for another day. It’s easy to get lost or distracted in a messy house.

How to Clean Your House Faster

Start easy

If you hate doing housework then the hardest thing to do is to start.  It’s best to pick the easy tasks and knock them out first.  Loading the dishwasher might be the task you hate the least.  Or you might think starting a load of clothes in the washing machine is easiest.  Whatever you like to do (or least hate doing) should be put first.

Work smarter, not harder

When you enter a room it’s best to go in prepared to finish it in one trip. You burn valuable energy when you run around the house. Work your way through the house, room by room, taking only what you need to clean each one. Trash bags, dust cloths, disinfectants and cleansers can usually be carried in a small utility bucket. Leave filled trash bags in a hallway or other common area adjoining the rooms you’re cleaning, and save the trash disposal for the end if possible. If you’re worried about trash bags leaking then it’s better to double bag than to make lots of trips back and forth, especially if you have a two or more story house.

Don’t give yourself a headache

If you prefer to or need to use harsh chemicals be sure to avoid inhaling the fumes. Weather permitting, you should open windows and close doors to contain and remove the vapor of chemical cleaners such as bleach, ammonia and others. If you are cleaning surfaces you will be standing on, such as shower floors or bathroom floors, with bleach then it pays to have some old shoes that you can change out of when you leave the room you’ve just cleaned. Tracking bleach around the house can be a disaster.

Be sure to only clean each thing once

If vacuuming is part of your list then ensure the vacuum is not already full of debris from the last time you used it. An empty vacuum bag or canister and a suction opening that is free from obstructions will ensure that you only need to vacuum one time and that the floor will be very clean. When dusting, be sure to use the right cloth for the job. Dusting with paper towels or other cloths that are not suited for dusting will make a bigger mess than you started with. And if you must use a spray cleaner for dusting try spraying it on the cloth rather than on the surface you are dusting. Some surfaces get clean faster and look better in the end if you stick to using a dry dust cloth.

These are general tips, it’s true. But if you combine them with your own specific preferences and tricks you should find that the housework goes by faster and more smoothly. Organization is key. And avoiding making yourself tired or sick is important too. What you want is to find ways to keep the house looking the way you like it without making the labor involved so back breaking that you will avoid doing it at almost any cost.

House keeping is not always an easy task but you can get better at it if you keep yourself well read and informed. More information about how to maintain your home in perfect condition is available on HomeWarrantyReviews.com. You could take a look at it and start applying it to your home! And while you are at it, take a look at 10 most innovative home maintenance smartphone apps.

About the Author

Kevin Wallach is a freelance writer and marketing professional. His focus is on performance based marketing services for the home warranty and home service contract industry.

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