
We maintain complete transparency with the readers on our website. The company rankings on our site are independent of any marketing relationships that we may hold with a home warranty company. We may receive compensation for receiving quotes or placing advertisements. However, this does not affect a company's rankings. Companies are ranked solely on the basis of consumer reviews and ratings received from home warranty users.

*The lead information obtained will be sent to the respective companies as selected by the readers. However, the lead will be shared with a similar company if the selected company either doesn't participate in Leads Program or doesn't respond.

Home /  Home Warranty Ratings FAQ

Home Warranty Ratings FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you rank Home Warranty Companies?
  2. Why ratings are not available for some companies?
  3. Why is my review not showing up?
  4. What is weighed average sorting?
  5. Common questions asked by home warranty companies
  6. How to contact us if your question is not answered here?

Why Ratings are not Available for Some Companies?
There are various reasons for not showing the star ratings for companies. Here are some reasons:

  1. The company was recently added and we do not have any customer reviews posted yet.
  2. Available ratings info is inconsistent and we do not feel confident rating such companies. This is due to several reasons, including but not limited to 1)companies posting favorable reviews themselves 2)companies posting reviews on behalf of their customers 3)companies posting reviews against other companies to manipulate the ratings 4)companies trying to influence the rankings by various means including but not limited to keep asking their customers to post positive reviews. We use advanced tools and techniques to trace such reviews posted by companies that try to manipulate our ranking system. If we detect such behavior, we will remove the rankings and prospective customers are advised to stay away from such companies.
  3. Companies are out of business and no longer offer home warranty services
  4. Companies have violated our terms and conditions

Why is My Review Not Showing up?
Our goal is to provide valuable feedback on home warranty companies to prospective customers. We moderate reviews to ensure they meet our guidelines that are stated in the review form. Reviews are queued for moderation and published once approved. If you do not see your review, it is either waiting for moderation or it did not follow our guidelines.

Here are some more reasons if you do not see your review posted:

  1. Your review is probably held for moderation. We review them in batches and it may take anywhere from 5 to 15 days for a new reviews to appear.
  2. You have violated our terms and conditions
  3. Reviews that  use abusive or disrespectful language will not be published. This is not a discussion forum to vent out your frustrations against a company. Just share your experience.
  4. Short reviews that praise/criticize the service provider without sharing the actual experience may not be approved.
  5. Reviews that pass judgment on the company may be held for further moderation. Unless you have a decision from a third party such as BBB, court or state insurance board, it is not fair to call them fraud. You are welcome to share your experiences, but be respectful to the service provider.
  6. Reviews that are posted by home warranty companies or their agents will not be approved. Same goes for the reviews posted by companies on behalf of their customers or when a company is repeatedly approaching customers to post reviews on our website.

Please note that these guidelines are implemented in the recent past and are subject to change. You may notice that some of the past reviews that were approved before we implemented this process may not conform these conditions.

What is weighed average sorting?
The weighted average sorting uses an advanced Bayesian weighting formula to sort the companies based not only on individual star ratings but also on number of customers who have rated the company. Companies with just a few positive ratings won’t outrank those with many high ratings and a few negatives, as it is not possible to derive a statistically significant number based very few reviews. Having more reviews means more confidence in the overall rating computed.

Common questions asked by home warranty companies

  1. Our company gets false reviews – We recommend that you directly respond to such reviews without using the rating option in the review form. While it takes some work on your part, prospective customers will consider you more favorably since you are taking time to address criticism
  2. Our company is targeted with spam reviews from non-customers – This is very unusual and we still recommend that you directly respond to such reviews without using the rating option in the review form. However, if you think someone is trying to tarnish your reputation by repeatedly posting fake reviews, please report the incident to us. If this occurs more often, please contact us, so we can design a customized solution to help you fight spam.

How to contact us if your question is not answered here?
If you still have an unanswered question, please write to using our contact form
