
We maintain complete transparency with the readers on our website. The company rankings on our site are independent of any marketing relationships that we may hold with a home warranty company. We may receive compensation for receiving quotes or placing advertisements. However, this does not affect a company's rankings. Companies are ranked solely on the basis of consumer reviews and ratings received from home warranty users.

*The lead information obtained will be sent to the respective companies as selected by the readers. However, the lead will be shared with a similar company if the selected company either doesn't participate in Leads Program or doesn't respond.

worth_it Home Warranty Without A Home Inspection: A Good Idea?

A home is one of the prized investments made by any individual during their lifetime. However, over time, the home structure, home systems, and applia ...

PUBLISHED : August 19,2021 6 MINS READ
claim Guide To Filing Successful Home Warranty Claims

Home warranty plans are meant to provide you peace of mind by protecting you from unexpectedly high repair costs of worn-out home systems and applianc ...

PUBLISHED : August 19,2021 6 MINS READ
How to get a home warranty company to replace furnace?  How to get a home warranty company to replace furnace? 

A furnace is one of the commonly used home appliances, especially by those staying in the colder regions. When ...

PUBLISHED : March 27,2020 5 MINS READ
