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Home /  Home Warranty News / ServicePlus Home Warranty: A Revamp for Total Home Protection
last_updated_date Last updated: March 15, 2024

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THP rebrands to SPHW

All the present and prospective customers of Total Home Protection take note! The company has announced that THP Home Warranty will be rebranded as ServicePlus Home Warranty. Total Home Protection will be making changes to its brand name, logo, and its website. 

THP home warranty has been one of the trusted home warranty brands in the recent past, gaining a reputation for the quality of their services. The new branding activities indicate that the company is looking to rediscover itself to increase its foothold in the home warranty market. With the suggested change in the brand name to ServicePlus, it can be inferred that their emphasis on customer service will receive more impetus than before.

If you’re a Total Home Protection customer, you can log on to their new website to continue availing of their services, even while the old THP website is still functioning. Alternatively, you may also call them on 1-800-545-0402 or send an email to info@ServicePlus.com. The mode of service will remain the same, although the wait times can be expected to be a little longer right now because of the pandemic’s effect.

As for the potential customers, if you intended to get a home warranty plan from Total Home Protection in the recent past, be informed that the team of THP Home Warranty will reportedly not undergo any changes. The changes will be made to their marketing properties but not to the team or working philosophy. Get a free quote from ServicePlus Home Warranty with the same expectations that you carry on Total Home Protection.

ServicePlus offers the same two plans as before, the basic Gold plan and the comprehensive Platinum plan. Customers can also have additional coverage items included in the chosen plan. 

With the plans covering the home systems and appliances, customers can rest easy as ServicePlus Home Warranty takes it upon them to find the right repair contractors. Regardless of the home device’s age, make, or model, it will be repaired or replaced. 

The readers of HomeWarrantyReviews.com must note that the name and logo of Total Home Protection have been updated on our website to reflect the changed persona of the brand. 

As we assign the utmost importance to collecting, sharing, and publishing user experience, reviews, and ratings of home warranty companies, all the user experience data of Total Home Protection will be available for the readers. As we prioritize collecting and publishing user reviews and ratings of companies, so all of the user submitted Total Home Warranty reviews will be reflected on the ServicePlus page.


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